HomeTravel & Hospitality6 Key Tech Trends to Watch For In Hospitality Industry

6 Key Tech Trends to Watch For In Hospitality Industry

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May 14, 2024

The role of technology and software solutions in hospitality businesses is growing every day. Hotel tech raises the bar in terms of guest expectations and hotel operation management, while new business-model players like Airbnb bring more mess to the travel industry. Add the global COVID pandemic to this scenario, and we observe the accelerated technological advances in the sector. Too much is going on, and it’s hard to determine which business strategy to adopt and where hotel investments to make.    

No more confusion. This article covers the latest hotel tech trends to help you prepare to win the battle for travelers and be ahead of the competition.

How hospitality and hotel businesses can leverage technology to thrive

Industry trends are good indicators of where it is all heading. So we compiled a list of the top 6 trends in the tourism and hospitality sphere that help to meet the shifts in customer behavior.

Hotel chatbots

Hotel chatbot

Convenience is what modern customers want, and chatbots are incredible facilitators in this area. 

No one wants to call a company, wait in line to speak to an agent or browse websites to find the relevant travel information. 

Chatbots are designed exactly to process common guest requests 24/7, make reservations, price & product comparisons to create convenience for customers. They can provide the kind of service your guests demand. 

An expert software development company can help you customize a chatbot so that it will understand complex queries, detect upset consumers, and direct them to a human agent to handle the issue. 

What’s more, chatbots and intelligent hotel communication solutions will enable you to provide a top-notch, personalized service even before your guests get to the front desk.

Mobile check-in and automation

Mobile check-in

Many airports have incorporated mobile check-in solutions that eliminate the need to stand in a queue. This is an important area hospitality businesses should consider because people are expecting the same kind of simple, technology-driven check-ins in hotels. Additionally, automated solutions minimize person-to-person contact, thus addressing tourists’ concerns about their safety and health. 

Thanks to digital innovations, investment in mobile applications for check-ins and other client-oriented digital interactions also includes the personalization of guest experiences. For instance, the guest’s name will be displayed on the welcome desk at a check-in station, their food preferences will be displayed in a room-service order system, etc. Investment in concierge & check-in apps leads to better efficiency and savings as hotel staff is free to focus on customer service. 

Cloud and Internet of Things solutions

Things solutions

Cloud technologies may not sound as exciting as some of the other hotel digital trends, but its benefits of operating expenditures expenses on the bottom line and optimization of operational complexities worth your attention. Cloud-based solutions provide hotels opportunities for back-office efficiency with low technology acquisition costs. You can simplify such operations as coordinating housekeeping, assigning staff duties, and more.  

The Internet of Things (IoT) application is closely tied with cloud technology in enabling hospitality businesses to build smart environments. The automated software systems of the apartment control, including door keys, TVs, lighting & climate control can boost the guest experience. 

To sum up, technology offers clients better control over their stay and enables the hotel staff to get a more detailed picture of what works well and what needs optimization.

Contactless technologies & self-service experience

Contactless technologies

A recent study by Oracle indicates that travelers would feel comfortable staying at a hotel having contactless payments, digital room keys, and messaging services. 

Contactless payments are among the most in-demand features as it offers numerous benefits for hotels and resorts. While traditional transactions can take up to 40 seconds to complete, contactless payment requires less than 15 seconds. Apart from making instant, secure payments, this technology is ideal for self-service and digital room keys that allow guests to unlock doors using their smartphones. 

Privacy, convenience, and seamless service are benefits that are sure to drive more bookings and enhance overall client satisfaction.

Contactless technologies

Voice search & control

Amazon and Google have been heavily investing in voice-based technology. Already today Google allows people to book and manage flights and hotels using voice. 

This rising hotel trend is more important than you may think. An increasing number of people are turning to voice-enabled search for finding hotels and nearby cafes, so take the time to properly capitalize on this. Hospitality businesses that are easily discoverable through voice search will gain an edge over competitors as still few companies are paying attention to it. 

How you can prepare for this? You will have to optimize and structure your website content and booking system in a way to correspond to voice search algorithms. It means creating a different keyword strategy and a way of writing text. 

Voice control tendency is increasing alike. The introduction of smart speakers in hotel premises will enable guests to control in-room gadgets and systems just like many people use them now for smart home control, making online orders, etc.

Robots for hotel and restaurant service

Robots for hotel

You can see some hotels are already providing futuristic experiences with robots delivering snacks and items to a guest’s door. 

Robotics is one of the most striking technologies used in hotels to complete diverse tasks commonly performed by human staff. They can be used to provide customers with the necessary information, clean the rooms, and automate daily processes. Robots not only facilitate the work of the service staff but also offer a cutting-edge experience to hotel guests, minimizing social contacts.

Are you ready for hotel industry disruption?

Technology is revamping, enhancing, and simplifying the travel experiences. Keeping track of the changes and customer behavior is the right way to start preparing for what is coming next. 

Going digital is the norm of the day, and hospitality businesses will have to continue adopting technologies to meet the shifting travelers’ demands.   

Reliable and robust custom travel and hospitality software solutions will help your business survive the market competition, resurge after the COVID pandemic, and attract new customers. Contact our experts and start benefiting from the right technology investment!

About the author

Charlotte Roberts


Charlotte Roberts decided to unite her writing passion and lifetime of geekiness to pursue a career in tech journalism. She loves creative writing and web design.