Vendigo Fintech Platform

Vendigo is the UK’s leading provider of point-of-sale financing to the home improvement industry-related businesses
laptop with dashboard
  • Duration
    24 months
  • Team
    7 members
  • Platforms
  • Type
    Finance Platform
  • Industry
    Finanсial Services
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Target audience

Merchants in the home improvement sector who look for seamless and hassle-free Point-of-Sale (POS) financing solution.

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Project idea

Vendigo had the vision to build an intelligent multi-lender platform that will work as a facilitator between customers/merchants and banks/lending institutions, giving access to funds in an online, quick process. Ensure the web platform can be easily integrated with any websites and systems since most lenders and retailers utilize different technologies, including outdated ones. Design a highly responsive interface to provide a top-notch user experience with optimized browsing regardless of the device consumers use.

Project challenges

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    Develop flexible & scalable POS financing platform with an automated workflow to ensure operational efficiency.

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    ⁠Enable automatic email message processing to better communicate with partner lenders.

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    Build custom admin panel for management of partners, system users, and the entire loan management process from loan request through decision-making to servicing.

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    Design an easy-to-use dashboard for merchants to manage and keep track of their clients' loans.

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ApexTech team has delivered an end-to-end POS financing solution that perfectly met our client’s requirements and vision of the project. Our fintech platform eliminates manual processes, ad-hoc queries, and paper trails, minimizing the time needed for loan application processing and response. We built a single smooth automated workflow that addresses borrowers’ needs while ensuring operational effectiveness. Additionally, our software engineers developed a widget that allows integrating our client’s web platform into other websites to simplify the access to their services platform. Plus, in the development process, our specialists decided to implement a loan calculator to provide a superior, comprehensive customer servicing experience. Working on the project from scratch, our scope of work included: software architecture development, custom software engineering, and QA.

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Business benefits

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    The operating costs are minimal as the system offers easy administration and cheap maintenance. No specific hardware or additional software is required: any desktop or mobile device with an internet connection is enough to access the system.

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    Flexibility and robustness

    A full-featured platform has been developed using modern technologies and robust architecture design, which allow for quick and simple upgrades and endless growth opportunities.

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    Low-cycle time

    Automated workflow allows fast application processing and credit decisions, providing almost instant loan application response.

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    Outstanding user experience

    Responsive web interface design, user-friendly dashboards, and loan calculator make the user journey seamless and hyper-personalized.

What we did

vendigo dashboard

Phase 1

The ApexTech team gathered requirements, analyzed and documented business processes. The platform’s backend involves the admin panel & various functionality that was made on PHP and Yii2. The administrative interface provided a centralized view of all their loan management activities. To improve the system’s work, we processed operations in Redis, a cache layer with the database for quick access to data, and synchronized Redis with MySQL database.


Phase 2

The highly responsive web platform interface with an excellent look and feel was made on Javascript and VueJS. Through custom implementations, the ApexTech team provided a user-friendly frontend dashboard with an intuitive UI to manage clients’ loans, add users, see every transaction from each lender, and much more.

vendigo landing page

Phase 3

Our solution uses APIs to sync data and update borrowers’ loan application status for our client and their partner banks. Additionally, our experts implemented automatic processing of emails received from lending institutions. This functionality allows deriving critical information such as additional requirements creditors ask for application approval. All these operations can be viewed in the admin panel.

vendigo input form

Phase 4

Security was an important aspect and one of the major concerns for the client in the project development. We provided a comprehensive security layer by implementing digital signature, data encryption, and role-based access control.

Yii2 framework

Phase 5

Using the Yii2 framework, our software engineers built a loan calculator that seamlessly integrated with a POS financing platform. Among other vital integrations that we implemented was SendGrid, a cloud-based tool that simplifies email delivery to ensure the communications with customers are reliably sent and delivered as needed. Meanwhile, Papertrail integration with the platform provided secured and effortless log aggregation and management.

Technologies Used

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  • PHP


  • JavaScript


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  • Yii2


  • VueJS


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  • MySQL


  • Redis


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Testing tools

  • Codeception


  • Selenium


  • AppCheck


  • TrackJS


  • BrowserStack


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  • Shawbrook API

    Shawbrook API

  • Lending Works API

    Lending Works API

  • Lendable API

    Lendable API

  • Omni API

    Omni API

  • Propensio


  • Pactsafe


  • Papertrail


  • Twilio


  • BL.INK


  • SendGrid


  • BNP Paribas API

    BNP Paribas API

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  • Jenkins


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